Poop Culture

Well, it's got a lot of vowels. And those cost $250 apiece!

I hope somebody takes away Rabin's jellybean pills for this blunder!

Prince's executor is just like my mother. She's never satisfied.

Break out the peaches!

Yuck. Everything comes out red and black.

Coming soon to a theater near Well-Dressed Man: Senior Citizen Rap Battle

Mr. Bean was the ninth person on the moon.

Ha…you said "number 2."

Hey, Mister Monkey, don't you ask me why. Don't mess with American pride!

"All the President's Men" was published BEFORE Nixon resigned.

NASA is now putting all its resources into letting Smashmouth walk on the sun.

And let Humpty get busy in their bathroom.

That's how Unexpected Dave rolls.

Ishare is the worst.

Upvoted for best Joe Bob Briggs reference I've seen in years. You win the internet today, anxie.

That was (not was.)

Grandma always was shit at quoting Fresh Prince lyrics.

Nevermind, Quarrelin' Hardy beat me to it.

I'll be hammering on my piglet in solidarity.

Ignatius Reilly would be highly upset about the lack of Dr. Nut in that photograph.