Poop Culture

You forgot the bowls of hard candies.

He sets a nice elevenses table.

Contains less than 0.1% Bob Mould.

Something about Johnny Carson and vegetables.

So I somehow missed the fact that this comment was written by our beloved Cookie Monster and when I first read it I thought, "Man, this is kinda interesting but whoever wrote this really needs to proofread before they hit that 'post' button."

Ian McKellen has a vegetarian dog?

Mister Peppermint for life!

Like a brother on skates.

Donald Trump's The Apprentice

If they're not, I bet he forgets about it.

It's 3 am but I bet Idris Elba ain't lonely.

They actually discussed the best episode ever.

I would totally watch a live streaming video of George R. R. Martin trying to find out how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop.

So you're saying that if we go crazy we still can't call these characters super men?

What a BASIC joke.

Take this misplaced reply and shove it. The comment system don't work here anymore.

Are you saying she's gonna be in one of the ones that becomes nothing?

SMG did have a cameo in Dr. Horrible. I don't think she has any actual lines though it's been a long time since I watched it.

I heard The Talk's craft services table was nothing but loose meat sandwiches.

It's all about the poop.