Poop Culture

If that paralegal was shocked by "Santa is a Gay Man," they'd have a full-on heart attack if they heard Tiny Tim's "Santa Claus Has Got the Aids This Year."

I just wish he'd get back to being the old King of England. When the hell is Wolf Hall getting a second series?

I think the most popular one is called "Alternate Start—Live Another Life". It lets you choose what city or countryside area you want to start in, if you want to already be a member of a certain guild or already own a house, etc.

There are mods that will let you choose your own starting point and skip that whole dragon execution tutorial in Skyrim, if you are playing on PC or a console that allows mods.

Cows eating defective Pop Rocks has to be a leading cause of global warming, right?

YOU'RE a confluence.

Upvoted for poop.

You must not have been paying too close attention since one of the minor plot points (and the ending joke) of "Chuckles Bites the Dust" revolves around that awful meat and fruit mobile that Betty White gives Mary as a housewarming present for her new apartment that she just moved into. And there was no Rhoda in the

Shouldn't you change your username to Lovesick?

Uh oh, either way it's magic.

I tripped over the ottoman one too many times. I tripped over the ottoman until I lost my mind.

She DOES kinda look like a bird.

You also need to apologize to our friends at Kinja Deals. They're our friends, dammit! You don't treat your friends like this! What kind of friend are you?

We in the business call that a Reverse Kathleen Turner.

Downvoted. Poop is always welcome here.

No, the snerk would be if it was "movement activated."

Brought to you by our good friends at Kinja Deals.

Our poop culture?

I approve of this casting decision.

But was it foxy to you? It's foxy to me.