Poop Culture

I don't understand what Corgan means and I could really give a fuck.

C3P0 is constantly in the background yelling, "Hey! Listen!"

Plate or platter is one of my top 3 favorite sexual positions.

What time of month is it being released?

What about the Pet Shop Boys or the Fat Boys?

Don't mess around with God's America!

1 Door Down, 2 to Go

Not necessarily a weird opinion but I don't know if I agree with you. It's not like this episode kept flip flopping back and forth between past and present—it told the past story and then once the wall came down at the end it came back to the present. Made sense to me. In some ways, i think that doing it this way

Agents of SHIELD is by far my favorite of the Marvel shows. It's too bad it was so lousy that first half season because it's been pretty darn consistent and good since then.

*giggles* You said PP.

Hey now!

Tony Danza?

I read that last sentence wrong at first and was horrified at the thought of Dr. Oz engaging in cosplay.

Rusty Trombone?

He helped me with my Chronic back pain.

Tonight's It's Always Sunny was also really short—both clocked in at almost exactly 18 minutes without commercials.

A million times better than last week's musical snoozefest. Made me laugh out loud many times—that's all I want from the Gang.

Sean O'Neal fires atomic bombs on a near-daily basis.


I only listen to my friends from Kinja Deals.