Poop Culture

This time with realistic lip movement!

All of 'em.

Reminds me of how disappointed I was in "BJ and the Bear." There wasn't a single blow job OR bear in the main cast.

EDITED. I don't know why I thought this was funny. Sorry.

What is the point of any HBO that isn't on-demand?


I get it. I'm a curmudgeon myself. But being a curmudgeon means I'm old enough to remember when I couldn't preview comics and that when I tried to read more than 4 pages in the shop that the owner would yell at me that this wasn't a library.

Curmudgeon on Internet Bitches About Free Content. More at 11!

Upvoted for poop.

Throw in something off Pinkerton and we've got a deal!

Nah, he's too busy getting ready for his big spring training tryout with the Mets.

No, that was Arnold the Pig.

The stones are totally worth it for the reward, especially if you are into smithing.

His brain cells have been rearranged.

He meant David Keith. Oops!

They're never satisfied afterwards. That's why the ripped doves cry.

Ernest Goes to Wrestling School was the worst in the series. Vern was a jabroni.

Well, I'm an old gold tooth
And I'll tell you the truth
I live in the mouth of my homie.

I ate my wookiee!

Where's Porkins?