Poop Culture

Now I want to make a gimmick account named Not "That" Gallagher.

I don't think that's the t-shirt he's best known for wearing.

They always cost more than you think they will.

It's a Living!

God no.

Like I said, same difference.

1980 gram??? So each record is going to weigh over 4.3 pounds?

Gomer's voice (or was it Goober? Same difference) in that episode is the first thing I thought of when I read this headline.

The Blue Label is even better but it's crazy expensive.

I blame Ashton Kutcher.

In MY dreams.

Greg Pikitis is a little punk, and I kinda want to TP his house.

Darker than crispy Hormel Black Label bacon.

Look at this guy Phartus with all his fancy schmancy friends and wedding party gifts. Braggart.

Sean O'Neal tasted it. He has a very discerning palate.

Those bunny ears would make you look like the kid from Gummo.

Somebody hasn't seen Problem Child 2.

Can't I just get off your lawn or something?

I wasn't commenting on the quality of Mr. Alpert's music, just the seemingly never-ending supply of used copies of his records today.

Thank you for pointing out this cover song. How had I never heard this before?