Poop Culture

It's almost as bad as the music in that Buffy musical episode.

Now tell us how you really feel about Dr. Phil, Sean.

I am error.

What election?

There's a third option that involves not reading them at all but skipping straight to the comments.

I didn't get a Community notification for this???

That Crood woman's weirdly wide face in the header pic looks like most of the people on my grandmother's flat screen television after she accidentally changes the aspect ratio and then doesn't know (or care about) how to change it back to the correct settings.

Is "La Poof" the magazine for Spanish magicians?

Christ, you know this week ain't been easy.

Well, that pop up is an every single fucking day failure around these parts.

Win win!

Jake LaMotta was a metal box-er.

But…but…he's so cool he got to see Hamilton when it was still off-Broadway!

All the candidates for TNA president (or US president, actually) should have a rat in a steel cage match to determine the winner.

Thanks for sharing!

Technically it doesn't say which side she chooses.

I remember when AMC used to actually run old commercial-free movies that I enjoyed the 1930s/40s Blondie movies they aired. They were harmless, dumb fun.

Not the buttered popcorn ones.

And that one awful original sitcom about the 1920s flapper who somehow ends up in modern times as a housemaid.

This recipe most definitely does NOT meet the approval of the real Tom Haverford.