Poop Culture

Raging Bullier


How pretentious of you to say so.

So now I want to get one of those nickel mugs and go to a Whataburger today.

Who didn't?

Don't be a candy ass, Jose Peterson.

And never forget that there's always money in the banana stand.

No doubt.

I hate you, Internet.

No, that was Paul Ramone.

I knew he was the real Sean O'Neal the second he stepped off of that ladder and came in through my bedroom window.

No, but canceraids was.

Who said I was joking?

More like Sean O'Neal Drinks Maker's Mark As the World Falls to Pieces Around Him

Mark McKinney's weird speaking voice in the show brings it down from very good to just good. I like his character but the voice is off-putting.

Yeah, do that and your kid will never sleep with his eyes wide shut.

All the flesh is already being used to make lights.

Univision is making all their employees take longer siestas between reviews.

Worst Modest Mouse song ever.

You'll Never Believe How Many Feet Under This Show Goes!!!