Poop Culture

Better than the same scenario only strung up in her closet the victim of auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Spoiler alert???

HOT NEWS TIP: I just heard this crazy story about David Hasselhoff and a cheeseburger.

I have not/will not watch the video as I've been stung by Good Job, Internet! posts too many times, but my first thought on seeing the ankles in that top picture was, "Geez, Chewbacca lady, give it up already. Your time is over."

They're my favorite charity.

I had never heard the original Gem version of "I Am a Tree" before seeking it out after this interview. The band is strong though Bob's vocals are a step up in the GbV version, I think. Anyways, thanks for the interview and for pointing out the origin of this song. I am looking forward to seeing the band in Dallas

I am a scientist.

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Good writing, Nathan. Thank you.


We just say "manager."

Great job, Ack_Ack!

Sean O'Neal doesn't make mistakes…

That's what you get for actually reading the article. You'll think twice next time before you do such a thing.

Univision fired the crack AV Club research team. Only way they could afford Nabin's jelly bean medicine.

That would be degrading to a man of his stature. He's going to be riding a pig.

Gas leak season.

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

Unfortunately I'm playing it on a 360 so no mods for me. Only had one experience with the subway system so far and the map system really was confusing as fuck. Anyways, I'm about four hours in now and am just now starting to feel comfortable with many of the game mechanics. I've been stuck in a Skyrim rut for a long

And they're making Sean O'Neal wear a bee costume around the office!