Poop Culture

Quit begging for attention, Internet.

I clicked on it because I thought it was a badly written headline about some kind of MST3K news.

Yep. That's what brought this play on—$2 Game of the Year edition at a garage sale last weekend. I'm about three hours in right now but quitting for the night. I'm off work tomorrow but way too old to pull an all night gaming session.

2008 finally came to my house and I started Fallout 3 today for the first time. Really enjoying it though I'm not too far in yet. Can't wait until 2024 so I can play #4.

Live at Daytron might be my favorite GbV album. Killer sound and such an amazingly deep playlist.

Whitney? I guess Kool-Aid Stained T-Shirt was taken?

You're a crook, Captain Hook! Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate?

I feel asleep anytime I'm tired.

Yeah, I like to read it in the hot tub.

Especially the Beaver.

Ezekial 25:17 is the only bible verse I have memorized. I prefer the King Samuel L. Jackson version to the King James one though.

If it was at the Eastside Drive-In in 2010, that was Greg Demos, the bass player. Great show but he made a number of stupid similar comments that night. Bob seemed mostly sober for that show so I guess Demos had to pick up the slack.

"Stifled Man Casino" is an amazing song. And has a pretty good video as well.

Well it takes a while for the staff to decide if a recommendation is abashed or unabashed.

He can be two things!

Maybe David Geffen could buy it and put it next to Leadbelly's guitar.

Keep coming back! It works if you work it!

The AV Club has done an amazing job lately of removing all the features that people liked and replacing them with shit.

Baby Loves Headrub!