Poop Culture

I didn't know Sean O'Neal was a father. I picture his kids being like six years old and already able to make Daddy a perfect martini or manhattan the minute he walks in from work each evening.

I think you meant to say, "Great job, Jesus Fucking Christ!"


Man, and here I had a nice big cauldron of boiling white people all ready for our dinner.

Where's Hatesong???


Great research as always, AV Club. The Howard Stern Interview show was filmed and broadcast on E! in 1993 before he allowed cameras in his regular studio in 1994.

I'm sorry.

Make a little Death Star in your soul.

Well, at least now we'll always know where to find Waldo.

Well, they were presented in a random order.


Where's Firefly???

Thanks for the rest of the story, Paul Harvey!

I heard she was a Belieber!

Antique poop culture! A subject after my own heart!

Urine troughs forever!

You've obviously never heard of a great little feature on this website called "Great Job, Internet!" They post better articles than this twice an hour over there.


That might be the one scenario where I actually look forward to viewing Home Alone 2 again.