Poop Culture

I get that a lot.

Bedwetting: The Movie is already available on German Pornhub.

Pac-man Centipede would be one helluva horror movie. Though I'm not sure where a Pac-man's asshole is, but they have to have one, right? Now I'm picturing poops filed with pieces of ghost like so many nuggets of corn.

Willips Brighton found that using his Teardrop Award as a sex toy was like having a mouthful of sores.

We're gonna need a montage! Oh yeah! Even Rocky had a montage!


Should change it to justthetip@avclub.com.

I don't even own a Yacht!

Pull a Marta from Arrested Development! I like this idea.

Worst band name ever.

I'm a Spinderella fan myself.

You know that drink sounded so awful and juvenile and crappy and hipster-y that I didn't even notice the lack of coffee. Now it's an even more dumber recommendation than the staff usually gives in these features.

From the sugar bowl that you pour into your Rice Krispies like every good American does in the morning? Duh.

I want coffee that tastes like congealed milk and sugar at the bottom of a bowl of Rice Krispies.

Maybe the hole in the middle of the disc is being extra flirty with the renters.

Red Balloon will push you down a well!

You you you oughta know.

Don't try and tell me what to do, AV Club. You don't own me!

His hip hops!

I'm barely at 500 and I've already been called "the worst" by two different staffers. I am the best at being the worst!