Poop Culture

Hope they gave you gas.

Sounds like a good B-plotline for Silicon Valley to tackle.

She was a nice lady.

Thanks Vanilla Ice. Suge Knight will be over in a little bit. Enjoy the balcony view.

The Butthole Surfers bought a Hairway to Steven with their lawsuit winnings.

Is that why Lance Armstrong chose a cycling career over baseball?

Jim Palmer does wear underwear though.

Leslie Van Houten's manicurist once mowed my lawn.

Been too long since I've last read it. I will remedy that soon.

Even though that casting didn't pan out, is that how Crowe ended up getting to do that awesome book of interviews with Wilder? One of my favorite film books of all time.

I thought that what the world needs now is another folk singer like I need a hole in my head.

I thought he had No Children.

Ignore the poop. I don't know how to read.

Dying at 57 is the new dying at 69.

I once slow danced to "More than Words" but yet Gary Cherone and Nuno Bettencourt are still somehow among the living.

Get the funk out.

Marnie did cover that one Stryper song in episode four.

You win canceraids! And an open can of Turtle Wax.

My condolences.

Was he formerly crazy? Or formerly Puerto Rican? Or formerly your friend? Or a combination of two or all of those things?