Poop Culture

…stuck in a bottomless Hole of Click…

Better than my cousin Walter. He got a cat stuck in his ass.

As long as Joss Whedon is writing and producing it, I'd give that a shot. But not even he could make me watch a Dawn spinoff. Unless it's one five minute episode where Dawn and Kennedy get torn to pieces by an abominable snowman dracula.

May you be cursed with the fury of one thousand downvotes for even daring to put such thoughts as a Dawn spinoff into the atmosphere.

Not true. Some people just want a rock to wind a piece of string around.

Yeah, I'll never forget the day I became a man and got my first prosthetic forehead on my real head.

Screw this headline for making me think I'd somehow gone back in time to a long ago Sunday night when Mad Men was still on the air.

It can be both.

I love Elliott Smith's music but pretty much had to give up listening to him when I sobered up. Way too many triggers for my drinking to be found all over his songs and albums for me. I drank A LOT to Elliott Smith music from 1997 to 2005 or so and it's hard to disassociate those memories from the music even now.

Drunk people singing at a karaoke bar??? Why, I never heard of such a thing! I'm outraged!

So I did the Courtney Love turtle on head image and it said, "I am not really confident, but I think it's a woman brushing her teeth
and she seems 😐. I am 97% sure that's Courtney Love"

It would be weird to dislocate the front of your jaw since there are no moving parts there.

Same thing.

"Hairway to Steven" is the best album title of all time.

Loser. I illegally downloaded the last 10 episodes.


Paul Thomas Anderson is going to sing in a live-action Pinocchio movie with Robert Downey, Jr.? Jiminy crickets!

You're just jealous because I look funny but, yo, I'm making money, see?