Poop Culture

Don't forget "stack of buttery pancakes that can eat you."

As long as Dodongo doesn't start going on and on about the advantages of one vaporizer over another for hours on end then I'm cool with whatever.

I graduated Magna Cum Loudly.

Urban Cowboy.

These type of jokes are Funnier without the capitalization and italicization.

And your Clearasil Messiah!

Dodongo is for the legalization of marijuana.

I dislike smokers.

Yep. I'm full of these nuggets of wisdom re: poop culture. A corn-in-poopia of knowledge on these subjects, you might say.

From your lips to Grimace's ears…

There's a funny clip of the band on the Howard Stern Show back in 1996 doing the song as "Clump," in homage to Robin Quivers' then-recent revelation that she was into high colonics.

So while I appreciate your advice, I tried watching the second episode yesterday and got really really really really bored about halfway through and realized I'm actively watching something like 50 new television shows a year. I don't have time for this.

I found a lump, a lump in my right testicle this morning when I was showering. I might be dead.

Middle of the road, man it stanks/Let's run over Lionel Richie with a tank

We don't have to do it at dawn. McDonald's serves breakfast all day now so we can sleep in a little first.

Right fries, wrong sauce. McDonald's Hot Mustard is the perfect dipping sauce for fries. That and Whataburger ketchup, spicy or regular.

Magnum Opus. A talking penguin with a big handgun.


Sounds like fun! I'm in!

Get me away from the internet. It's dying.