Poop Culture

The internet done wrong again.

Didn't read the review as I am way behind on watching this (watched the pilot a few days ago, didn't love it, didn't hate it) but seeing that headline declaring this the "strongest episode of the season" coupled with that lackluster B+ grade doesn't give me much hope moving forward.

Nope. Lots of scat videos. With corn showing. And the occasional peanut.

Has The Onion ever put out a serious hard-hitting investigative journalism piece as an April Fools "prank"?

They just want to fly…first class. Negotiations are ongoing.

Aw, my first spam reply. I finally belong here for real! Thank you so much!

Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side! Shoot that banana peel from your behind!

The music they picked is awful, but Nintendo is all over YouTube about people using their music, especially for the big games like Zelda and Mario. A hint of that music will usually get your video removed immediately. I know this because I watch too many video game videos on YouTube.

It appears I killed Mr. Meseeks. Or he completed his life's mission and killed himself. I'll take the credit either way.

It's the 80s! Let's do a lot of coke and vote for Ronald Reagan!

Needs banana peels dropping out of people's asses.

How did you know "Matthew, Mark, Luke and John" is what I call my penis, balls, taint, and butthole respectively?

"More ham, less radio. 10-4."

Nope, you blew the gimmick with that out-of-character first sentence. Sad lack of commitment shown here. You're not worthy of having a gimmick account. I know RepostedAvengedSevenfoldFan2 and you, sir, are no RepostedAvengedSevenfoldFan2.

I thought he was a ham radio troll. Emphasis on the ham.

Weirdest thing I discovered after posting this last night: "Druganaut" was once used in a JC Penney's Father's Day sale commercial. Seriously.

Thank you for reminding me of the existence of Black Mountain. I need to listen to "Druganaut" right now. I apologize in advance to my next door neighbors for blowing their socks off, assuming they sleep in socks which is kind of a weird thing to do in West Texas in the spring or summer.

Yep, gave me Orphan Black flashbacks.

He hates these cans!

Giovanni's Roomba probably wouldn't even care if the AV Club didn't post "What's On Tonight" until 10 am every day. He's a monster!