Poop Culture

The second season was a huge improvement over the first, which was still decent though it tried a little too hard to bring a year 2015 sensibility to 1944. William Peterson had a kinda blah role but made the best of it.

Feed the little birds.

As Charlie Brown once told Lucy, "Tell your statistics to shut up."

Sorry to hear this. My mom died unexpectedly at 58 two years ago this month. Our shared pop culture moments, whether they be television or movies or books, are some of my most cherished memories.

I heard they're replacing Cherry Garcia with a John Mayer-inspired flavor.

Dr. Bill Cosby

But what about poor Yoko?

Agreed. Disappointed the AVC isn't covering this. It's not the best show I've ever seen but it's pretty good.

It's spelled ANUSTART, according to my analrapist.

Don't mess around with God's America!

thisguyrighthere is the worst.

The spelling is too good to be my first thought, that Baby Sitter's club schtick user.

Or the Len Bias.

I always wondered what happened to Troy and Abed in the morning.

Yeah, I didn't want to move up to the professional ranks.

This is why we never got a fourth season of Deadwood.

I didn't say I was the one driving. In fact, I can almost 100% guarantee I wasn't as the Taco Bell in my hometown during my drinking days was less than a block from the Whataburger, and if I was behind the wheel, there was no way I was running for the border instead of having some delicious Whataburger ketchup.

I didn't know this contraption existed as I don't think I've ever actually set foot in a Taco Bell. All of my excursions there have been of the late night drunken drive-thru limited dining options variety.

Forty half-episode seasons.

You still haven't seen the best one—Jackie Brown.