Poop Culture

You should compare it with the Entourage movie.

Well, it was a tough day for the Duke boys. The neo-nazis had taken over their meth empire and Walter Duke's wife wouldn't have nothing to do with him. Boss Hogg was gunning for the whole operation and it was looking like one mighty big pickle.

Yeah, he's too ernest. We should send him to camp or to jail. Until he saves Christmas.

I mean, I heard the joke before but just thought it was a simpler "black people have the stupidest name" jokes and her name was simply Fiance. His fiance Fiance. I still laughed, but Feyoncé takes it to a whole other level. Thanks again.

Ugh, Caitlin PenzeyMoog is the worst. Who would anyone wish that boring, judgemental shrew Mary on kind-hearted, decent Tom?

Thank you for spelling Feyoncé out. Despite seeing nearly every episode of 30 Rock at least a dozen times, I had missed that part of the joke until just now.

I prefer R. Budd Dwyer's answer to all questions.

Well, you know what that's worth.

Nabin is good but Mike Nelson did it shorter and sweeter in MST3K's "Hobgoblins." Plus you can sing along to his version!

When you're sliding into first
And your pants begin to burst



I had somehow missed any talk of that Stone Pony show until this thread today. Really is just sad to watch.

I know Pollard talked around 1999/2000 about possibly doing a "Bee Two Thousand" record where he'd re-record some of his favorite earlier songs with better production. While I love both the lo- and hi-fi eras of GBV, I would have been very interested in such a project.

Judging from some of his daddy's song titles like "Drinking From the Bottle" and "Drink Up and Go Home", I'm assuming Bare, Jr., has some lifelong experience with heavy drinkers. He'll need it with Pollard.

I sort of assumed that was the reason. Though the last time I saw them live (September 2012, Emo's in Austin) while Bob was drinking some, it definitely seemed like it wasn't near as much as at any of the previous shows I'd seen.

I'd prefer Tobin Sprout be involved but will settle for King Shit and the Golden Boys as the backup band.

But what's your favorite Leonard Coen song?

Well, I'm not sure how hard it would be for the Lego designers to build a belly into Melissa McCarthy's beard.

Ok, I had seen that one when I first searched but didn't realize that was supposed to be a belly. I thought it was just some weird hipster beard braids or some shit like that.

I'm not doubting you but couldn't find an image of this via Google with all the search terms I could think of. I'd like to see what this looks like if anyone has a link.