Poop Culture

I liked their early stuff but feel like they were a bit repetitive by the time the fourth album came out.

Bustin' makes me feel good.

I ain't afraid of no Kotex.

Why don't they make fat Lego minifigures? I just googled "Lego Gamorrean Guard" and even that is the same size as the Princess Leia one. Now my plans of making a Lego stop action movie recreation of "Exit to Eden" are spoiled.

About time Nicolas Cage starred in a Tarantino film!

The animals, the animals are trapped, trapped, trapped so they sell their soiled underwear online.

From your fingers to God's ears.

"Anyway, Colony’s fourth episode (of ten, for now) debuts this Sunday…"

I'll always know him as "Champion," the drinker.

Great job, Chris FART.

Chord Overstreet? You're just fucking with me now, AVCLUB. There's no way that's an actual person.

"Ticky ti main."

Waiting patiently for the Crackhead Bob obituary news wire here. January, you are a cold, cold bitch.

And Baba Booey to you alls.

Goats on a Boat?

Bears on a Chair (over Niagara Falls) is a killer John Irving novel.

I had somehow missed the existence of this movie. Going to watch it later tonight when I get off work. Thanks!

That is the most actor-ish-actor-y-acting-can't-you-see-I'm-an-actor?-actor picture ever at the top of this article.

I got told once by a cute/quirky girl that I looked like Edgar Allan Poe. That is not a compliment even if she meant it as one.

I was being half-facetious on thinking.