poop chute mcgute

First specific memory is watching the Knicks in the playoffs in 1994, at my grandparents’ house, but it kind of doesn’t count because that memory is really about the TV cutting to the OJ Simpson chase. First live NBA memory is going to watch the Rod Strickland-led Bullets at US Airways Arena in 1997.

Why do you even bother? Until the day he dies it’ll be Dan Snyder.

Because it is a bad 500-year-old translation of a Latin phrase into English that has never made sense.

+1 great username

Tuberculosis is actually a pretty apt comparison, if you believe Susan Sontag in Illness as Metaphor: “TB was - and still is - thought to produce spells of euphoria, increased appetite, exacerbated sexual desire. ... Having TB was imagined to be an aphrodisiac, and to confer extraordinary powers of ‘seduction.’” 

clicked on the video. huge mistake. what the hell is happening.

“At Nikon, women make up 10.6 percent of employees, and only 4.7 percent of managers.”

Soccer is the biggest sport in the world. It definitely counts.

Well, I actually got goosebumps.

Typo alert: It’s AFI Docs, not AIF Docs. You know, like the American Film Institute.

I saw them at the Black Cat in DC last year, opening for Pissed Jeans. They were incredible. And when Pissed Jeans came out, while the band was still getting set up, the singer said, “You have just seen the most exciting punk band in America.” He was right.

Also, if possible, draft behind a car with a bit windscreen on top of it that is going at your ideal pace.

Yao Ming is Chinese.

I want him to finish the season averaging a triple-double so bad.

this needs more stars

So what you’re saying is, Antonio Brown’s hands are naturally pure white and covered in Nike logos?

I’d argue that Dirk and LeBron both had better seasons and were more valuable to their teams than Kobe was that year.