poop chute mcgute

Counterpoint: No they don’t. He won that MVP because he was really good and very famous for a long time, people felt bad that he hadn’t won one, and since he was getting old it was his last chance. In 07-08 LeBron was already clearly the best player in the league, and you can make a strong argument that Chris Paul was

Will never forget going to watch Hillary testify in defense of the State and Foreign Operations budget one year in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and before she could even finish her opening statement, Dana Rohrbacher started blathering about “Why do we have to borrow money from China to pay our dues to

was going to contradict this with a hot take about how kobe was never the best player in the league, but then i was like wait, shut up poop chute, how could you forget about shaq.

obvious stunt to distract from trump university settlement is obvious. also getting booed in NYC earns love from the base.

yep, and mitch mcconnell looks like the christmas present under the tree is shaped just like that bike he asked for

I love Kevin Harlan.

Nah, Notre Dame may not win a NC anytime soon (neither will most teams, obviously), but they still recruit at an elite level and would be a middling-to-good team at worst in any conference, even with crap coaches at the helm. Charlie freaking Weis was over .500 there, for goodness’ sake.

Kind of similar thing happened to my mom. I, her first child, was breach and stuck, so they had to perform an emergency cesarean. After they’d whisked me away to make sure I wasn’t going to die (very low Apgar) the ob/gyn said to the resident, “Hey, why don’t you practice your sutures.” 

That ain’t no candy-ass 2%.

Yeah: 541 career HR, 17th all-time. I have no opinion about whether or not that should be enough to qualify him for the Hall. But it probably does.

6'6", 300 = BMI of 34.7, which qualifies as obese. The lesson here is that BMI is borderline useless.

It’s 2016, can we please stop complaining about people recording in portrait?

No way, sometimes you’ve got a lot of people waiting and you’ve gotta do what it takes to whip teams through.

Mind-blowing mostly because it would have been a penalty.

This plus the pedigree angle actually does matter a little bit: not many people actually give a shit about Baylor football but Joe Paterno was god in Happy Valley for 50 years and a legend outside of it for nearly that long (a legend not least because PSU under him represented the platonic ideal of a “clean” program:

+1 jar of extra cream cheese frosting

Oh good so we only have to wait until Fridor for things to be okay again.

Not so much critique as chuckle knowingly to ourselves while we think, “Yes, that is a wise man. Woulda done like him, if I were in his shoes.”

Do you really need to ask that?

I just called Graham’s office and asked the staffer who picked up why the senator wants to abandon the Constitution. She said he doesn’t. I said, but he’s calling to deprive an American citizen who’s suspected of a crime of his constitutional right to a jury trial, why is he doing that? She said she couldn’t give me a