
She was a fake Gamer Girl™, of course. 

Thank you for posting this. I've been reading AVClub since the 90s, and I really miss the good ol days over there.

I posted at the Avocado for a while and even put some work into writing some articles there, but its just not the same. Plenty of fine people, but its missing the magical alchemy of the professional articles combined with a dedicated commenting community on a site that was still popular and public enough to have

Now playing

I think he can do it because he is legitimately good at singing. He just found his bag and kept securing it during the autotune phase of music. 

Though if you ever play Indigo Prophecy, also known as Fahrenheit in other parts of the world

Dude was living in a swamp hut next to a cave known for bad trips and kids sinking their vehicles into the bog. Sounds like Florida panhandle meth country to me. 

This isn’t a dig or me being obtuse on purpose or anything, because I’d genuinely like to know: what is it about The Boys that folks like so much? I’ve given em so many tries but I’ve never been able to get into HH. The closest I’ve come was the pair of Masked Singer episodes at the recommendations of others, and they

He definitely had a vision. He just didn’t have your vision. Get over it.

i actually know a decent amount about early renaissance art lmao what the hell is this neg

Wasn’t there some sort of browser game much like this? I feel like it’s either deja vu or potentially exhaustion. I’m almost sure there was something like this, where you had to fill up a wine glass, among other things.

The post-credits scene is The Day the Clown Cried.

Deltron 3030 is where it's at.

I could correct you and say it’s only actually 5 Avatar sequels and, sadly, not even be joking.

Press F to tell Spanfeller he’s an herb.

Press F to get hit by a car

Press F to Deadspin Forever.

More interested in the sequel Deadspin 2 with all of the original characters

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

Would someone kindly contact the veterinary clinic and let them know this internet rando says they’re doing it wrong?