
or the 1701-year-old runes from backers complaining about a lack of shipping updates

Looking forward to Jamie Bamber’s turn as a political prisoner turned senator this time around.

The headline is correct - the best alien invasion movie of 1996 was in fact The Arrival.

Great! Now just add more episodic reviews, less tabloid clickbait newswire articles, get rid of the kinja comment section and go back to Disqus (never thought I’d say that) or something better, and we’ll be halfway there.

Isn’t that what we commentarians basically do?

If this new homepage release is anything like the switch to kinja then I’m sure this transition will go swimmingly.


at fyre festival?

When it's this sophisticated it's called a caper.

I’ll pass on calling dibs. Few things are more humiliating than being underwater on a Hyundai.

It’s not referenced much, but you’re right, both guns and jewelry are pivotal to Batman’s origin. You see, a mugger tried to steal Bruce’s mother’s gun, and when she wouldn’t give it up quickly enough, he strangled her and then Mr Wayne with a string of pearls.

She must have had a lot of friends in the audience. 

I love their pizza rolls. 

And yet you seemed to fit very comfortably in a 2-D pane of glass with a couple other people, Zod. Get over it.

Not to steal your thunder, but there’s a Deadspin reunion going on over at unnamedtemporarysportsblog.com. Tons of articles already, but it will be gone in a few days. Get your fix!

You must not be familiar with Star Trek. Or space sci-fi in general.