
Only two seasons fighting the same boring enemies? The Walking Dead wants you to hold its beer.

Around season 3 the party realizes they aren’t strong enough to take on the final boss so they will spend the next 2 seasons on some god-forsaken island endlessly fighting the same boring enemies to level up.

I always liked the SeeD Academy set up from Final Fantasy VIII. I’d like to see them incorporate that in series. And Blitzball from FFX. I’ll be keeping my eye on this.

Alright, I’ll take an L for that one.

Because men are trash.

That’s a lot of cocaine. 

like tony eagle

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

The hose... again?

Whether going out for a meal or using it as a sex toy, this coin purse is only big enough for "just the tip."

The hose, they found, was inadmissible as evidence.

Millennials are so scared of warthogs, they’re changing the way they’re sold.

Kobe: Man, this is incredible. I can’t believe I’m having dinner with Heath Ledger!
Jared Leto: Yeah....

10,000 people? I bet they have a 25,000 seat stadium

Maybe they’re trying to slip in under $10,000 for people who are using that as a filter?

the supply from this particular artist has decreased since his execution

On release it will be an exclusive on Epic Games  and then pulled from their store three weeks later during their winter sale.

He got dunked on so hard, it knocked him out of Social Studies and into History.

in Temecula

I hope that school went into lockdown because we just witnessed a murder.