
Incredibles 2?

Could be argued that Split (which I think was 15 years after Unbreakable) fits that bill?

Aliens and Terminator 2 were pretty close.

Tomorrow on Kinja-deals:

Actually they changed it to a western and called it The Magnificent Seven.

If you’re not playing Sea of Thieves you’re really missing out - it is such an absolute fucking blast to play. I always have fun. It’s silly, cute, hilarious, hectic, and calm. It’s trying to be something unique and, after lots of free updates, it is finally really succeeding at that. All this new stuff coming is even

You think you’re worthy of a review?

Listen, I only have two personal rules on Kinja. The first is to rec every comment I see on name of the year voting because we all deserve a voice. The second is to speculate how the Knicks might mess up

Pretty sure he would have missed all of them anyway.

I know just how to spen- aww... it’s already up!

Oh well! Easy come, easy go. Such is the way of the internet celebrity.

One-More-Turn-Itis. Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, & Civilization. Perennial games that drive me toward sleepless nights. Eventually I’ll burn out and want to do/play something else. But I always come back eventually.

UPDATE: Six hours later in her living room, she screamed and ducked for no apparent reason.

She’s a long time Blue Jays fan, I just assumed she would welcome the sweet release of death a fastball to the head might bring.

I literally explain in two paragraphs how much I think the chests will annoy people and how they ruin a fun part of RPGs. I also put the annoying chests in the headline.

Damn. I'll just leave it there to shame myself. 

“Man Releases [Gaming Related] Video [That Features New Info & Cool Stuff About A Popular And Beloved Game] on Youtube [& Kotaku Writer Create A Short Post Sharing Some Of This New Info With Folks Who Might Be At Work/School And Can’t Watch It Now OR Who Didn’t Know About This Video And Now Get To Watch It]”

The real question is, did he fall over, or did he just keep spinning and spinning and spinning?

Solid Snake

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Their life has ended.

You didn’t hear? We’re getting paid off by Big Garlic Lobby