
Maybe Coach Walton just can’t relate to what it was like for Lonzo to grow up with a dad constantly spouting nonsense for public consumption.

I’m assuming Crazy Town featuring Methods of Mayhem.

And down at the Weight Rack, they say, shit got really fucking weird that day.

In all seriousness, I get having an emotional attachment to certain entertainment products. I still get a warm feeling in my chest every time I think about the “good” (destroyed Black Omen/rescued Crono/fixed the timeline problems) ending in

Somewhere, Kaepernick’s lawyers are high-fiving.

Yeah, I tried to edit it, but Kinja is fucking up (as usual) and won’t let me.

The instruction manual is kind of a bitch to read

It’s obviously some sort of racing game because of the checkered finish line.

*Jumanji drumming intensifies*

the bad part is it was kickstarted in 2010 bc. delays people.

“The hills are alive with the sound of, AAAAAHHHHHHH!”

Starring for self deprecation. I am not a good spellist.

Ah man, yeah thats on me. Spelling was never my strongest thing. 

Starred and then took it away for the egregious misspelling of forfeited. 

Like... if this was a rec league for softball or flag football, most of the Raiders players would have quit showing up by now, they would be texting people at the start of games just trying to find 3 more guys so that they can play. But in the end the games are just forefitted to the opponent.

I actually forgot that he played for the Nuggets.

Does he have any highlights since HD was invented?

This does seem like good advice but I read it in a comment section so my compass is all over the place right now.


To be fair, Kaepernick is a professional football quarterback, so he’s not really right for the 49ers offensive scheme.

And according to 80s and 90s moms they would all just be called “Nintendo”.