
John Roberts deserved to win for that episode. Screw you Hank Azaria.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd solved.

Or a social media game to reveal screenshots of a trailer of a trailer.

It would be hard to make Cannery Row without taking from Sweet Thursday.

I love that movie. Genuinely creepy.

Are you thinking it will be for a different reason than the one in Season 1?

"Smoke-a-chino for Kyle! Kyle! Smoke-a-chino for Kyle!"

The conversation when I first saw Matthew Modine:

I am endlessly fascinated with the economics surrounding these movies. How much do they make? How long do they take to film? How large is the typical budget? I want an Expert Witness article on this badly.

Ahhh the Hallmark channel: When you want to watch reruns of Frasier at midnight, but don't want to hear the language that the major broadcasters thought was OK at 8 PM 20 years ago. Like "crap" and "butt".

I love super hero movies that end with you reading that the hero defeats the villain by calling the police.

It scared the living crap out my poor kid. Super effective.

Watching this with my 6 year old has been a joy so far. This is my families first exposure to this series and now I want to read the books to her when she gets a bit older.

Also known as the "I really don't want to end up like Tim Burton" plan.

She was perfectly adequate in Midnight Special. Which is exactly what a character introduced in the middle of a movie should be.

Do you think Sinbad killed Nelson Mandela? (I deserve all the down votes)

"Would you rather be with the person you love forever, but you always have to wear a shirt made out of their pubes, or be alone for the rest of your life, but you get to wear whatever you want?"

They used to have this chipotle dipping sauce before the whole chipotle craze. I still dream of that sauce.

I remember that shortly after The Phantom Menace there were rumors that he was going to play Ender in an Ender's Game movieā€¦
At least it wasn't the casting that ruined that crap shoot of an adaptation.

Andy Daly as Ron L Hubbard laughing hysterically when he learned that they had gotten tax exempt status is still one of the greatest things I have ever heard.