
Well when you are ready for another book, and coming from someone who considers Watership Down in their top ten, give When Captain Flint Was Still a Good Man a try. That'll haunt you for a bit.

As someone who think that Capaldi is the best of the Nu Who doctors…how psyched should I be?

My 6 year old daughter wanted to watch Star Wars tonight and then she went to bed in her Princess Leia costume. You can't leave yet…

Mike Shinoda

But a helicopter that is never content to just hover. Those things are more unpredictable than bees.

Oh cool. Now if they will just re-release Vagrant Story I can die a happy man. Not that it needs a new translation…

I have been stuck in a hotel in The Netherlands with no phone and no reliable internet connection for a week. Been dying to play Hearthstone more since the new expansion. Having no cell coverage also means that I haven't had a chance to try to go for Mr. Mime in Pokémon Go. Only chance is to catch him at the airport

Which version of FFT did you play? WotL or original? I had done a few completionist runs in he early 2000's late, '90s but haven't touched the game since. Wondering if I should give WotL another look…

I would argue that those reviews were also very misguided; they were asking for an entire backstory for her on the first episode of an ensemble show.

Oh my God that was a date.

R.I.P. Edward Herrmann. :(

I thought so too. But his plans for watching the new series that he detailed in the last episode made me think otherwise.

I always like the interviews they do. The Sean Gunn was great. The Keiko Agena one is unlistenable.

To be fair, we have no idea how much time Gwen was given. It sounds like Kristen was driving in her car, and not promoting anything in particular.

Hey I liked Ninja Scroll.

Ben Schwartz better be playing Sean. But who am I kidding, it's going to be Jon Hamm.

I think Futures is about as underrated as Pinkerton at this point.

Did not expect this grade. Loved this episode.

And people said the new product placement deals would be too noticeable.

When I drove away from my parents house for the last time 17 years ago, I was listening to Hello Rockview by Less Than Jake. Everytime I move, that is the l album I listen to.