
I know it is not on the list, but I really have enjoyed The Flame in the Flood soundtrack by Chuck Ragan.

Oh I doubt this was directed at you guys. I feel the same way when reading these lists. As the ratio of bands you know vs. not starts to drift more to the later, excitement over finding a new band beings to be diminished by the realization that you are getting older.

The key was to stay at the very bottom and shoot the rays.

I'm still bummed Jason Sudeikis was disqualified for Guest Actor for Last Man on Earth.

Final Fantasy 7: Kalm. You have caught a glimpse of the game outside of Midgar, but first you have to go through a long and tedious flashback before you get any sort of freedom. It gets worse with every play through.

Saw them play at the Che Cafe in San Diego. Someone jumped off the roof and landed on their van before the show started. The first 5 minutes of the show was them just ripping into EVERYONE. It was kinda hard to enjoy the rest of the evening. I understand they were pissed; and rightfully so. But it just made their set

This feels as good a place as any to ask this: Good primer episodes for CBB?

Hey Mercedes did a great cover of The Promise at the end of The Weekend EP.
And AFI had an unusual cover of Man In a Suitcase on Answer This and Stay Fashionable. Loved both of those covers a lot growing up.

I feel full after the Risotto.

In no particular order.

When I was first married, I went with my wife to Best Buy to buy a PlayStation 3 shortly after it was released. When I asked her what the first Blu Ray she wanted to buy was, she said "The Fifth Element" without even pausing. I knew that I had married the right person.

Add Frasier and swap out Grounded For Life with Scrubs and you just described the last three year's worth of nights for me.

There is an interview at the end of last season where they had mentioned that they had planned on bodies being everywhere, but Fox made them cut it.

That sounds like fun. But you must have a Ghorn, Black Spindle, and have opened the 7th chest in VoG to even to begin to play with me.

Nah. Nerdy would be to say that it wasn't a Titan that he killed. It was actually a Hunter. A Hunter that using a Universal Remote as their primary, was wearing Fear Eaters on his feet, FWC arms, and what looks like was either Kellhunter's Sight or ATS/8 ARACHNID on their head. But I don't want to say something like

"In Casino Royalewe’re told that Bond didn’t come from money—that even though he went to private school, he wasn’t a rich kid, and he’s always carried a chip on his shoulder."

"The titan fisty ground-poundy thing"

http://the100.io is your friend. I have the same "lack of confidence" issues and this site has been a godsend. I know I have seen "no boys allowed" groups there.

Does Ryan only play Hunter? Is that why he suggested that Alex play one? It seems like he has been handicapped a bit by having to use the delicate flowers that are hunters.

Once again, forgetting that I have the "Millennials to Snake People" Chrome extension installed pays off.