President Bannon, give this man a job!!! I’m thinking surgeon general!!!
President Bannon, give this man a job!!! I’m thinking surgeon general!!!
IOW, just another meal at Arby’s?
my hero.
Hey, watch what you’re saying about future President for Life Xzaviar Zeppelin. He has a temper that makes Dump look like Gandhi.
That’s a good as hell plan. But there’s one problem with that plan:
my kid wont touch ketchup with a ten foot pole in my hands.
Drew sucks. You shouldn’t help him with his next nasty stain/mess.
Hey! Religious Freedoms!
I got some serious Ratatouille vibes from this story as well. Did a rat prepare their meals in Paris?
just the one his barber puts on his head.
Guess you missed this story:
So, Davis put it all on black and lost, huh?
Asked to comment, Peyton Manning stated:
Omaha! Omaha! Omaha!
Happy to serve.
good point. I think I’m too late to edit, though. So, ass butter it is.
*slowly backs away*