I figure he’ll just make all his movies in France with French casts.
I figure he’ll just make all his movies in France with French casts.
What’s it to you if he does? Do you ask Native Americans or Hindus if they really believe that the world is carried on the back of a turtle? Do you understand the purpose of illustrative myth? And even if he does believe every word of the Bible is sacred and true, how does one’s personal faith (when he’s already said…
They get bulletins from their church organization that list those cutesy sign sayings in them. My brother-in-law is a pastor and I’ve seen him looking through the booklet for a new saying. Before that, I had a smidge of respect for the punster I thought was going to that church but after I realized it was just slick…
Yeah. I’d say close to half of the churches up this way like to put “clever” sayings on their signs every week or so. They occasionally get a laugh, but not out of genuine humor. It’s more of an “are these assholes SERIOUS?” kind of laughter.
“One must not suffer a witch to live,” after all and Trump does complain to be the target of witch hunts quite often.
At the end of the day, the rule of the land should be science, it should be grounded in fact; not faith.
The church I was baptised in does pulled pork dinners every month or so!
Exactly. Women seeking abortions and transgender people (among many others) are the ones who have been historically bullied and discriminated against.
I’m going to say something asshole-ish -
Seriously. My faith is really important to me, but it’ll never trump (an ironic use of that word, at the present time) the rights of my fellow citizens to have control over their bodies or basic liberties. It still angers me so that a minority in this world has so foolishly made such efforts to deny others control…
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding…
“Conscience and Religious Freedom Division”
Sorry for not being informed. I was basing that off of my memory that goes something like Midnight in Paris - Magic in the Moonlight - Cafe Society in theaters and now Wonder Wheel on Amazon Prime
You want the lifehack? Get a parrot. Parrots are awesome.
Also a valid assumption. I think it’s her age that made me go for the continence reason.
The excessive bathroom thing. I just can’t comprehend why it’s a thing. Who the hell designed these houses like this? I need them to tell me why.
Toback has had nigh on 400 allegations against him. 400! That is...deeply disturbing and also mind-bending just in terms of time spent terrorizing women. How did he get his job done?
Maybe we can find the one woman on the planet that sees a dick while walking down the street and immediately has to fuck it regardless of who it happens to be attached to. That’s the point of showing somebody your dick, right? Or is it just to get a compliment?