
I personally loved the leap from “there is NO way of knowing how many people were there.” to “There were the most people from any inauguration ever.”

And people tell us we’re paranoid...

I mean is there real precedent for what you wear to the funeral of our democracy?

Why does this family have such an issue with tailors?

With contacts—the worst kind of glasses wearer.

I don’t need this. Not on top of everything else. Nope.


Crippling, bone-crushing, overwhelming insecurity. He won’t go anywhere, speak to anyone, do anything where he can’t control the narrative or outcome. It’s the reason for the goldplated 7 year olds idea of luxury, the suits he can swim in, the cocooning in place, the shutting out of the media, the firing cheap shots

I don’t know if it’s actually agoraphobia, but I can’t put my finger on what exactly it is. On top of everything else Trump already is, I just can’t wrap my head around the way he lives his life.

Could you describe the idea you were going for by posting that video? There is no fucking WAY my finger’s anywhere near that play button.

And they’re terrible - fake band! Already in Crimea!

They tell the Trump Team: Death threats

It’s really sad, because every first lady has not only been poised and educated, but has worked actively on their platform. I hate “just say no” with the fury of a thousand suns, but that campaign still came from a genuine if misguided heart. Hillary Clinton was probably the most influential first lady in modern

David After Dentist was a visionary.

With a Republican-controlled everything, I’m assuming I will have to teach myself self-dentistry.

And imprisoned.

And those carrying out his policies should be discharged from office.

I’m guessing it’s a horrible trifecta/perfect storm of undealt with emotional and psychological issues, decades of stimulant abuse and dementia.