
Thank you. I am Black, female, and atheist. I literally CANNOT be “friends” with someone who supports Orange. That person doesn’t support my humanity.

I agree that this is one of the best apologies a celeb has given in a long, long time. I must say, though, that as a Black woman, I am curious why the uproar from Black people made her respond with an explanation about why she accepted the offer to perform,but it took a plea from the LGBT community to make her drop

one of my favorite recent galling ironies is the idiot who tries to shit down the truth and critical thinking as “negativity.”

I don’t live in the US, so I guess I don’t understand the cultural context..... but to me, anyone who voted for Trump thinks that racism and sexual assault are acceptable behavior. I therefore have a difficult time understanding how the good could outweigh the bad having people like that in your life. I mean, clearly

All the cool kids are taking their badgers to see this line-up.

Toby Keith was instrumental to the assassination of The Dixie Chicks during the Bush Administration. It’s hard to be sympathetic to unclear shades of meaning in his words. Easier to believe he’s talking out of both sides of his face.

The ignorance is reaching ‘superstitious peasant’ level.

I intend to boycott all of these artists, assuming I can remember who any of them are five minutes after I stop reading this article.

And Paul Anka is backing out too for a “scheduling conflict.” Yeah right. Come-on, Paul isn’t exactly busy these days.


Modern country music is proof that intermarriage between cousins is a bad idea.

Well, You’ll just have to wait for Trump’s grand “golden” finale.

Fear the Mexicans, disregard the Russians.

Stop paying taxes. If enough of us refuse - well, that would be a pretty big deal.

K: My biggest tip is not to compare yourself to anybody else’s body!

It does feel like the universe is aligned against Hillary Clinton doesn’t it. Everyone in power apparently would rather have an actual traitor as president.

Yay. More people that could have stopped this shit parade ages ago but did nothing.

If the media had any info, I do blame them. I mean they literally have one job.

That would only make me more pissed off. “Extremely careless” is what you say to a guy who accidentally leaves porn on his work computer, not the guy who in a round-about way, could possibly cause WWIII.

Somebody’s gotta do the journalism.