
Everything about her is calculated to the nth degree. She’s another distraction from her slob daddy’s destruction. So poised, such a contrast to her low-class heritage. There is a cell at Bedford Hills Prison with her name on it. No one should rest until we see her mugshot on Page 1 on The Times.

I don’t even want to imagine where you work.

Are you 12?

He might nominate someone worse but not nearly as punchable.

Looks delicious. And cathartic. Bring.

She was also a Hillary supporter until President Redneck dangled a carrot in front of her.

That’s like trying to pick the sesame seeds out of your poop. No celebration for Omarosa. Sorry.

The question isn’t how many “illegal aliens” are in the US, it’s how many are committing murder which is the rationale being used to justify deportation.

Serving mediocrity to a new generation.

I’m half Hebrew, half Tagalog. Wish I was English but I only speak Canadian.

How did this cow lose the nomination 3 times in a row? He has all of the necessary qualifications to be POTUS with the added bonus of genuine religious zealotry!

A one-day blackout of any reporting of his blabbery and ignorant buffoonery and he would hemorrhage from every pore.

She taught him how to lie and style. Looks like she also left him a lifetime supply of Clairol Brasstone #33 when she croaked.

The number of people released from immigration custody who were later charged with murder between 2010 and 2014, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security cited in a recent letter from two U.S. senators. That’s about a thousandth of a percent of the total estimated number of unauthorized immigrants

Trump’s mother was an immigrant and she committed the most heinous crime of all.

This, a billion times. There is something so repugnant about the sanctimonious attitudes of the “legal” refugees. They’re like dogs guarding their dishes. How does that work?

I foolishly thought that watching his rally in Philly today might be a good idea but after 2 minutes of listening to that stupid, arrogant shit weasel immediately go off on how everyone voted for him, blurty blar I’m great, blur blar, We’re Going To blif blar, I pressed the off button with such rage that I pushed my

Wretched photography and French Cinemax soft-porn soundtrack.

Charging Palestinians for demolishing their own homes is very distinct and very much in keeping with Nazi sadism and apartheid etiquette.