
Kind of off-topic, but who decided it was a good idea to start drinking out of canning jars? What’s next, tin lids for lunch plates?

DJ Trump’s “Winter White House” has an uncanny resemblance to Moammar Gadhafi’s Summer House.

Those are the same people who advocate smaller government and yer not takin away my guns but aggressively urge lawmakers to eliminate reproductive rights, ban marriage equality, view healthcare as a privilege, want more nukes, and who also have no problem with the fact that Churches, Inc. are tax exempt.

Alternative to Funny.

It didn’t happen or it is not valid unless documented and shared with every eyeball possible.

I wouldn’t want to be his gastroenterologist. Or his toilet.

I watched this and my skin crawled.

Yes there is.

Depends what your definition of “fair and square” is. Are you certain that no voters were unfairly swayed by the FBI/Wikileaks shenanigans? It isn’t only about manipulated ballots.

I was looking for Miss Tina at the march and I couldn’t find her.

Too bad we all decided that a march was a good idea after the election as opposed to the first time Trump declared Mexican’s rapists, told people of color that their lives and communities were shit, when documentary evidence of sexual predation surfaced, when he declared that Planned Parenthood and the ACA were going

Wait, you mean he lied? Outrageous!

Except a Dem majority and Repub majority represent 2 different ideologies, so there’s that.

Bucket of stars!

Dear GW,

You do you, boo. Visualize human rights and convince a Nazi that they have chosen the wrong path. We’ll watch and learn.

Your obsession with stars. Too much Fashion can be unhealthy.

I’m looking forward to a moon shadow. Moon shadow moonshadow. PS Your house is on fire. Let’s visualize rainfall.....