
Fashion designers. Once again proving absolutely, that they hate men.

Yeah, I don’t think nepotism is an issue; I think CORRUPTION is an issue. Hillary Clinton working on universal health care in the 1990's was not about finding ways to make money for herself or her family.

It’s not really nepotism at all in many ways to me.

it’s not about winning, fool. grow up.

1 - As Adjra pointed out, she led many different healthcare initiatives and committees on a state level, which to me shows she has the qualifications to lead on a national level. I’ll turn the question around to you - what qualifications do *YOU* think someone should have to lead national health policy?

Dude, this is really sad. Let me help you.

You said “it doesn’t make sense” that Adjra doesn’t give Kushner the same break that she gives to Clinton.

And made an ass out of you! : )

No, they’d rather make a closeted man far more money with unfunny Madea movies.

I just posted on another article about this same thing! Politibros! lols but in all seriousness, I saw that interview too, and Bill was right. Where is all the hacking for Trump? Where are Anonymous(I know different group but still)?
Point is, Clinton is out. So now where are these internet rebels? We need them more

And guess who told him that? One of the Russian sycophants who he surrounds himself with, who in turn take their orders directly from Moscow.

Or, maybe, Democrats are actually capable of being nuanced about things, and liked Wikileaks when it was publicly committing itself to being neutral and non-partisan. And then Assange was put under investigation for rape and his history of egotism and egomania came to light, and Wikileaks started leaking things like

Can the Equadorian Embassy leak Assange into the hands of Swedes so that he can face rape charges?

eh, McCain foisted Sarah palin upon us in a desperate move to be relevant and electable. Don’t be fooled, dude has zero scruples. Just seems peach in comparison to Trump.

Sounds like you don’t have the army of nannies that someone like Jude can afford to employ so that he doesn’t actually have to take care of his children...

His really living also involves sleeping with the nanny.

Today I learned that provocateur is the new white-washed term for Racist.

Alright, so now your point is a little more clear. Let’s get into it, shall we?
a) I think it’s funny you bring that up because I don’t think S&S would EVER publish a book by a Muslim extremist and be all “you should give this Jihadist a chance”. It’s staggering levels of hypocrisy that normalizes all the worst parts


I know they found some kind of sense of peace, but man are there a lot of stories of Debbie Reynolds being a raging narcissist (and whatever the fuck the above is) and Carrie Fisher dealing with the fall out.