
Is she available to fake sing for a fake inauguration ?

For the love of god and all things that’s holy; can’t people hold their phones HORIZONTALLY while recording this kind of stuff?

There’s pretty much always financial ramifications to getting arrested.

I don’t understand how they keep falling for that bait and switch. I understand the New York ladies not knowing what they were getting into, but if Bravo is casting for a show in your city, just assume it’s a new housewives franchise. Who would watch a show on etiquette anyway?

He also gets her to pay for the privilege.

Well what the fuck am I going to do with all these mason jars full of chicken bones and menstrual blood now, Kelly?

Then stand up and face the lawsuit. Millions of people would contribute to legal counsel were it to come to this.

I think he’s just an overall moron.

*Make him shower.

The sense of entitlement with abusive men is at the root of this.

The court should prohibit JDepp from getting any more stupid fucking tattoos until he pays Amber’s full settlement. That oughta light a fire under his Keith Richards wannabe and failing ass.

Personally I’m channeling my energy into learning how to fight dirty. I’m going to be studying the Republican’s playbook frontwards and backwards every day until the asteroid hits.

It wasn’t Trump who was underestimated, it was the hatred for their fellow Americans held by those who voted for Trump that was underestimated.

Yeah, somehow I don’t think they’d be fazed by a fresh dose of “cunt”.

Well, we do have some dispensaries with smoking/vaping lounges here in CA— it’s not an opium den yet, but it’s progress!

Its incredibly sad. I work in tbe addictions field. Both state and the federal governments have been trying to fund opioid disorder programs. But it will surely be undone in the next administration.

Due to cultural taboos many middle eastern countries limit opioid use to the point that people with terminal cancer die in agonizing pain with no access to pain meds. Is that better for you? It is not black and white.

Unbelievable. If I recall correctly, from what I’ve read the whole “opiophobia” bullshit was used in the US in the 90s and is part of what got us into this whole disaster currently.

I’d think having Donald Trump as president would go a long way to encouraging people to get fucked up, so there’s that going for them.

Yeah, maybe I’m just grumpy this morning, but I’m not amused. Mariah can live her life, whatever. But we’ll spend so much time nitpicking apparently well intentioned people for being Flawed Allies and then praise her for being a personification of catty bullshit turning women on women. The article being snarky on Emma