
I’m sure there was a cover charge.

Yes, it is. Steak tartare.

Don’t go trying to compare what Trump is doing to Kennedy. Kennedy was  doing that shit on purpose, Trump is just blindly Tweeting because he literally has no clue what he is doing and all he does know is to act tough and shout at people. That isn’t a foreign policy, it’s pure stupidity.

It would cause a recession in China and in the US too. The government didn’t lessen tariffs on Chinese imports out of the goodness of their hearts and to boost China’s economy.

I enjoyed the novel and film adaptation of The Manchurian Candidate. I never thought the live version would be so tacky.

Kissinger helped usher in the Khmer Rouge. He can fuck off with his shitty opinions.

Had he not added that Brexit “was the will of the people” I could have just rolled my eyes, but why even go that far? Maybe it was (though, I think that’s a topic worthy of debate), but if you’re oppossed to it, you shouldn’t even be carrying this much water for it. Let someone else say that shit. And, BTW, as if it

I think the biggest problem with our country is entitlement. We’ve been fed this narrative that America is the greatest country on earth even though it fails every metric of greatness aside from combined wealth. Because of this entitlement of having it your way everyday always, people act like any restriction on their

Democrats need to wake up... you are not dealing with political opponents. With political opponents, there is a baseline agreement on what the rules are and where the boundaries of ethics should be. What we have here is an egregious lack of good faith political participation with a brazen grab for total power by any

No, it’s far worse than that. It’s no longer about policy or ideology, it’s about authority. The Republicans have shown that if their ideology conflicts with gaining and holding authority, they will cheerfully shift their ideology to accept whatever their leaders tell them. The Russians are our enemies until the day

Republicans have become a disease.

He is the Pussycat Dolls for straight women.

“...discrimination is not a Louisiana value ...”

How do you fight against dumbass rubes who think there’s a fucking Pizza Parlor Secret Pedo Ring?

my guess is race.

Trump was also up against basically the worst candidate the Democrats could have put forward. No personality, decades of baggage, averse to transparency, motivates the other side against her, unwilling to change or listen to others, and spent her time running a victory lap instead of a campaign.

No, Trumps message was only I can fix it. For some strange reasons people think he is a success because he was on tv and said so. So he must be able to bring jobs back. Americans aren’t really a bright people.

And there’s a reason why they aren’t. “Cry-baby liberals. Can’t handle the fact that they lost the election. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” That’s pretty much all I see in the comment section of stories and several groups. Oh, and the racist and sexist comments never stop as well.

Is Pence without Trump really worse? Pence will have full power to do everything he wants under Trump. Pence has said he idolizes Dick Cheney and views him as a model VP. I would at least be less afraid of dying in a nuclear war with Trump out of the picture.

I’m so tired of hearing that this is “democracy.” If we are a democracy, then call up Hillary Clinton and tell her she won, because she beat this tumorous ball of orange slime handily.