
I always thought they were the most dead-eyed of the HGTV folks. Straight up automatons.

In fairness, evolution can be difficult to understand.

You seriously think this batch of cretins even KNOWS what this POS is up to? They can’t be bothered to do anything other than shout, “lock her up,” vote for a con man and then take delight in the fear and frustration of people in this country who aren’t blinded by greed and self-interest. Oh, and they’re also stupid

Guns, white male supremacy, and tax cuts is all those people care about.

Because now Trump only wants to hang out with the “cool kids,” not the second-stringers who used to be the only ones who could tolerate being around him when none of the “cool kids” would give him the time of day: Gingrich (“the smart, awkward geek no one likes”), Giuliani (“the wack job angry kid”), Christie (“the

Kind of like Kim Jong Un except when the fall out of favor, they are allowed to live.

Because more than half the population doesn’t give a shit anymore.

Because shoes, amirite? Shoes do not belong on the carpet! :)

Has Mariah Carey ever worn a pair of shoes that didn’t look stolen from Miss Piggy?

This was just straight up purchased.

I read The Plague during the election and one of Camus’ lines has been stuck in my head through it all. “Stupid has a knack for getting its way.”

Really curious to see what the ratings are going to be for the VS show this year. They haven’t been great in recent years, and there’s nothing about our collective mood this year that’s going to inspire people to think this is a good idea. Personally, I’ve got no interest in watching. This show is seconds from going

Right now I’m getting paid to write salesy copy about setting up overseas tax shelters (I really, really need the income, otherwise I wouldn’t do it).

Gotta bust in here real quick: Pat McCrory has finally conceded. Democrat Roy Cooper is taking his place as governor of NC!

Um fuck off. The headline is pretty damn clear. Don’t click if it’s not something you’re interested in. Don’t report on it? Are you fucking stupid?

Trump must be the most satisfying president to parody. Not only is his impression really funny, he gets all this professional feedback most presidents are too presidential to give.

You seem to have forgotten that the ENTIRE Republican Party decided to fuck all else to make sure Obama failed.

He tried to close Guantanamo Bay, unfortunately he doesn’t have access to any money and the Republicans in congress wouldn’t even pay to fly them off the island, let alone put them anyplace else, so there was nothing he could do accept use the bully pulpit and nobody paid much attention. I agree on the protest. He’s

Keep in mind Obama has done everything legally possible to reduce the number of prisoners at Gitmo. It’s a shadow of what it was 8 years ago and the torture interrogation techniques haven’t been in practice there for at least as long. It’s as much as we could reasonably expect.