
“I know more about ass eating than the generals, believe me!”

Free your mind, homes.

No way. The Dbag is the definition of two pumps and done.

Hashtag you’re my favorite tonight. Because best name, and best sentiment.

Yeah, because those Christian religions are soooooooo non-problematic.

“Professional Cunts” works. Their gender is why they are where they are.

Weve passed the point where you’re the real bigot if you accuse someone of homophobia when they say gays shouldn’t adopt and where you’re the real racist if you point out someone’s racism. We’ve now fully moved into if you mention someone’s sexual assault you’re the real abuser who should be ashamed.

Just once, I want to hear something from her that makes objective sense and gives me some idea who she is and why she feels the way she does.

Everything out of her mouth feels like some elaborate simulated chatbot.

“My diet, you would hate it. All you eat is Norwegian salmon and capers every day. That’s it.”

Scurvy is still a thing, Mariah. And you’re gonna get it.

If Romney isn’t willing to take a principled stand after this then we have no idea what his values are or if he’ll be entirely complicit in a Trump presidency. Additionally, you are assuming he will be competent though we have no evidence to that effect yet; this is entirely speculative.

Above all that you listed, Romney is an opportunist even moreso than Trump. That’s what this is all about. He’s stripped himself of whatever principles he had so many times he’s doesn’t remember where he started out.

Don’t let 12 months of what Trump told us about what Clinton did as SoS fool you, the position is part

No, I don’t think so. The fact that he could be a part of the “Never Trump” movement and then is willing to kiss the ring immediately after the election suggests he’s fickle and self-interested.

He’s sane, but he’s also a cruel, selfish grifter. He sees a place to profit (Mitt! Savior of the country! Even liberals respect his noble sacrifice! We should just appoint him President!) and puts himself in it. That doesn’t make him worse than any of Trump’s other picks, they’re all monsters, but it doesn’t leave