
NO, keep buying the cookies and take the opportunity to remind these little entrepreneurs that they (and their vaginas and breasts) are not toys that were made to be assessed and grabbed by boys and creepy men. Even if they are a “star”, you are not obligated to let them grab your body parts. And if they happen to be

It is much more chic for religions to hate each other for not being the same religion.

Not to mention, entirely unqualified because she never even tried to work for Goldman Saks!

I watched about an hour of this and I had to turn it off before I had an aneurism. Male Republican senators are all a bunch of catty pricks. The women senators are just pricks.

Why 5 more months? Her jailers have been fucking with her from Day 1. She is suicidal. Why is she not immediately transitioned to a mental health facility?

Laughter would imply sense of humor. He is a humorless, joyless, negative party pooper.

The agoraphobia is but one of the many behaviors often related to sociopaths. When you are devoid of empathy you have no need to interact with other living things. His family are really the only people he tries to relate to. He thinks of himself first and foremost as a “star” so he is only interested in people who are

How many old, white Hollywood creatures did this talentless nozzle have to service in order to get those coveted roles?

“Three of my classiest A-list friends who cancelled big-league projects just so they could perform at the most amazing party Washington will ever see. All three of these ladies hit on me but I had to turn them down because I didn’t want to play favorites. Believe me, I could have had all three of them at once, and I

“When you’ve convinced yourself that your enemy is literally Hitler, anything you do seems justified.”

In fairness to Melania, she has been working tirelessly on her Stop To Bully My Sugar Daddy On The Twitter Phone campaign she promised the common American suckers people during Michele’s  her Soviet Republican Convention speech.

Here’s another article.

You die the same way you live.

Dear God,

I would sooner have my spleen and all of my teeth pulled without any anesthetic than watch that assault to humanity on television, let alone show my ass up in person and have to mingle with that assemblage of representatives of Early Man that constitute his supporters.

Whenever I showed up at a party or was seen shopping with my best gay boyfriend people assumed we were a couple. That was 1978.

The 13 minutes between tweets is the time it takes for him to cut his lines of Adderall

“He may very well have won without it. Hell, considering Clinton got 3 million more votes, one could just as easily argue the hacking had no impact at all.”

Roger Stone + Putin + Comey. You tally the inches.