
Don has no idea what NATO is or does. He heard it costs a lot of money and generates no income for billionaires. He feels the same way about nuclear, cyber, and common core. Disaster!

Triad of Rapists.

Trump has not and will not make any attempts at civic lessons. He has no interest, capacity, or need since his agenda consists of creating direct access to real billionaires and “deals”, lying through his teeth, and fucking over the entire population. That shit isn’t taught in Civics.

Leaks are good for elections when they expose both sides. And yes, Fucking Republicans.

Assange stated on Bill Maher’s show in June that he planned on leaking all kinds of damaging Trump info as soon he was finished with Hillary. Fuck this guy. I hope he smokes himself to death in that Embassy. Fucking coward.

This dude is a little late to the buffet. Mein Kampf was re-published last year. BTW, is Milo a legal alien?


Yeah, she’s the Russian Kelly Ann Conway. No holds barred responses to indefensible nonsense. Somehow, Mariah always comes off as the victim of her handlers. Apparently The Education of Mimi didn’t include much focus on critical thinking, which is not the same thing as Mall Chick From Lodi Shade.

You just learned that today? Did you miss the “he says what he thinks” campaign of 2016? Soon we will be led by the King of Abusive Assholes. Be prepared for a whole segment of the population and their controversial views. The vile and the ignorant have prevailed.

English is one of the languages I employ. I insinuated that your statement might be interpreted as sexist. You in turn implied that I was sexist and stupid. I’m not a dude, but my hunch is that you’re an angry white woman who deludes herself by believing you are always correct and always try to convince others of

Huh. Why such a hunch? BTW, I didn’t call you a sexist.

Huh. Sexist if you were referring to a woman.

A. You don’t seem to understand what civil disobedience is. It’s not a telethon and guns and violence are usually not part of the equation..

I teared up the rug looking for that lump of hellava good cheese.

Debbie and daughter also had agents, bankable skills, and fans, so there’s that too. For the Beales, it ended when the old man split. If it wasn’t for the Maysles Bros, the cat food would have run out much earlier. They had no show to keep them upright.

I hear this. Look, Hollywood has a way of portraying psycho as endearing and romantic and I give major props to any artist who can spin their disfunction in a way that gets a laugh. Suffering is hell and when narcissism +abuse is at the root, it’s hard to keep smiling at the train wreck. Peace in the next life, ladies.

Yes Mariah, Dick would have been mortified........by your astounding lack of professionalism and irreverence to an audience. I can’t even imagine that any other professional performer would have chosen to saunter around a stage, snarking about not being able to hear their dubbed vocals instead of winging it, either

I have a profound appreciation for Hollywood people who live in homes that aren’t polished within an inch of their lives. Debbie and Carrie were down to earth, funky Californians, in spite of their fame. I think it explains why everyone is so moved by their deaths. They were relatable, the kind of people you want to

Deliverance comes, just not with the immediacy that most of us desire. Karma and physics are always at play. You cannot be the architect of cruelty and get away unscathed. But still, the ass cancer can’t come fast enough for shitbags like this dude.

Aint nothin like a perpwalk in an airplane aisle to sober you up after a long flight. Hee Haw!