
Diapers, dear.

Just thinking about sex with him makes me hate sex. Thanks, Jezebel!

Right?? I’m sure the Hags of B Hills were initially told they were filming a documentary about the lives of Mensa Members who have no interest in fame, “branding”, avoid conflict at all costs, live in poorly decorated homes and devote their entire lives to helping Syrian refugees seek asylum. Bamboozled!!

Did she pay for that pearl necklace he’s sporting?

So, this Tyga fella......just what is his claim to fame other than bedding a minor?

Debbie Reynolds is dead. Welcome to the (slow) apocalypse.

I’m saying it: Weddings are a fucking bummer. So much time, energy, and outrageous amounts of cash for that one day of tacky pageantry that rarely amounts to anything but disappointment, bad manners, that drunken asshole, some clown who shows up in khaki, shady cousins, exes you don’t ever need to see again, haughty

Kylie.......she’s the talented one, right? And by “talented”, I mean, possesses the extraordinary ability to undergo surgery and jump in front of a camera 24 hours later. The Kardashian/Jenner family’s ability to endure pain is almost admirable. Maybe they’re both dumb and numb.

Angie and Kanye need a nice, long yoga retreat. The year-long, no phones in Goa kind. They might even unwind a little if they tried.

JLo, bless her heart. She’s never had a thing for the conventionally handsome, and has never been upstaged by her partner’s good looks. This would definitely be a step-up though; this gentleman has his own spending money. Sweet.

Talent, wit, an endearing personality, and highly sensitive. I can see how these times would have been more than she could bear.

Her debut in “Shampoo” is rarely mentioned but definitely noteworthy.

Don’t overlook the fact that he speaks the exact same way he tweets.

Whatever “way he was”, whenever, was always in keeping with his constant need for attention, to be the best, the sexiest, richest, most successful. Yet in reality, always the biggest, tackiest asshole in the room.

Can’t wait for the year of “Woulda Coulda Shoulda” to be fucking over.

Ukk. Sexy like a hemorrhoid.

This clown is garbage in any context.

Shower, not just with water, but require some kind of exfoliant, because that dude is still lugging around skin cells from his Gilbert Grape days. Oh, and no smoking in the shower. 10 minutes without one of those vile, brown cigs will do him some good.