  1. I hope we can soon stop ruminating over the how’s and why we got fucked because we’re going to need to channel that precious energy into a future that will require determination and iron will. They are dirty. All bets off.

I never saw any candidate “appeal” to anyone.

That “segment” is over 50% of the population. Don’t be sad. Be frightened.

Not necessarily. People familiar with the Trumps have witnessed Big Don humiliating Baby Don in public for years.

The inherently insensitive are never in danger of being desensitized.

I’m tired of hearing about the “disenfranchised” who felt abandoned and not offered hope. The alternative shouldn’t have been to vote for someone who so obviously was going to lead the entire country down a path of destruction. So, yeah, sorry “disenfranchised” Trump suckers. Find yourselves some Oxy because it’s your

Because it’s equally as absurd as The Coal Mining Jobs Will Be Back or I’m Gonna Repeal Obamacare On Day One, Believe Me.

White Republican women are not dissuaded by “the C-word” (ya know, cunt) because they believe that word only applies to “libtard women” who are so easily offended when they are molested or denigrated or take umbrage with racial slurs or who are repulsed by fat, ignorant, orange men with gerbil paws. But really; we

So true. I imagine we’ll actually be seeing the return of old fashioned Chinatown style opium dens because there are horrors on the horizon and depression and poor stress management skills will take their toll. I predict a weight gain crisis and the return of Black Beauties too. The upside might be a new post DADA

Elections are the new NFL in The United States of Imbeciles. We live in a country that is overpopulated with moronic sports fans who interpret everything like a fucking game because it is the only context they can relate to. Except they are in for a rude awakening when they realize that we all lost.

Yes, but at least they had the pleasure of enjoying their baloney and sparkling vinegar in a room that was an exact replica of Sadaam Hussein’s office!

I’m sure Ivana wasn’t happy when The Donalt called and ordered her and her latest gigolo to make a Costco run in Lake Worth for those classy kaiser rolls and 10 oz bags of Lays. Probably made her give up a few cases of her personal Trump Sparkling stash too.

There is a place in Hell with his name on it, right next to that other Bavarian war criminal.

Except Bob Dole arranged the call.

Except, this isn’t 1963.

Yes, fuck your family, from my family to yours. Never too late to emancipate.

Motherfucker needs to shut the fuck up and thank Moses he didn’t die in prison.

Request to borrow for my tombstone and jacket cover of memoir, please.

The current climate of white retribution negates the joy. We are being punished for said joy. In equal measure, for as many years, I predict.

Modern “medicine” cha-ching! Keeping dead people in suspended animation for big bucks while people with life-threatening ailments die because insurance. Gotta love progress,