
Really? This nonsense still happens? And it’s newsworthy? It’s not even escapism. It just reminds me that these shitty times are really shitty.

I could spend all day trying to help you, but I’m just gonna serve the abridged:

First Lady Michele Obama Says Farewell to Inbred, Racist, Knuckle Draggers Who Are Determined To Set Our Country Back 200 Years- An Oprah Winfrey Special.

I hope this interview involves wine which could encourage a Give No Fucks, candid, real black women exchange.

The “worst” because he encourages parents to feed their kids real food and attempts to educate them on how to avoid childhood obesity and diabetes, and changes in the way school cafeterias serve garbage to kids? Yeah, the worst.

If perfection is defined by the worst taste in clothes and men, then chicken.


Aunt Madonna,

Never, not ever, ever underestimate the depth of Trump’s ignorance. The proof is everywhere, every day, at every turn.

Jesus Christ!, right?

“ If she wasn’t my daughter I would make her eat my ass. Tremendous.”

That’s a dumb feeling.

When you sign up to be an evil, lying, bitchpiece for Trump, the eyes die, one at a time. At the same time your hair loses luster and starts falling out. Then you start bleeding, from the ears and Wherever. Every day you get up with the sole purpose of spreading propaganda, getting booked and showing up at any outlet

Her ugliness is not off limits because it is a precise reflection of her soul. She is a vessel of pain and suffering. We feminists will continue to include her appearance in our assessment. Sorry.

Hashtag she’s a cunt.

You make it sound like more of a wet spot but hold on to that because you’re still fucked like the rest of us.

The United States of Proud Stupid World. Extra points for being inbred.

You win. I’m not aware of a pharmaceutical that I can recommend that will ease the agony of the kind of righteousness you seem to be suffering from.