
Quite often “official policy” isn’t necessary in order for an institution like the Catholic Church to have influence or to contribute to biases assumed by its followers. The church has many leaders whose beliefs and values are not consistent with that of the Pope, yet they still have weight and influence.

My original comment addressed child rapists, AIDS, and women’s reproductive rights. Not sure what “facts” were missed but no, I’m not interested in playing. You brought up Catholicism then tried to use church doctrine as a defense. The next thing you know you will be defending Trump because his actions don’t

Question: Is one of the requirements of being selected as part of Trump’s cabinet that aside from not having a soul, that you be a complete and total prick?

There is no way he was ever married to her without self medicating. This woman is as dumb as a board and her voice is worse than listening to a pack of raccoons clawing through a slate wall.

I’m sure Sear’s would be happy to take them back and use them for promotional purposes.

I wouldn’t know where to start with your pathetic defense. “Papal dictates.....Papal pronouncements”....You’re fucking kidding, right? The POPE was responsible for shuffling rapists around as a means of correcting crimes. “Individuals in the Vatican....” Please tell me you’re an attorney.

Sounds like what you did miss was the part where the Catholic Church looked the other way while their priests where fucking children. And the time 1984-1990) when they suggested that AIDS was God’s way of punishing homos and hookers. They are still not advocating for women’s reproductive rights. Careful with those

Um, unless you are working in the logging industry or in one of the last coal mines in West Virginia, can I suggest you stop by HR first thing in the morning?

The press was instructed NOT to do that because they would have lost all access to him. Donald makes the rules and nothing will stop him. Nothing.

This is what she married. Proof of no shame.

Everyone that voted for Trump. That is a whole lot of shameless right out in the open.

I think the recent trend of naming your kid Greyson, Jeyden, or Afton has something to do with wanting your child to be devoid of any ethnicity and attempting to identify them as a WASP, regardless of their heritage. Not that our society hasn’t evolved from its traditional racist/xenophobia sensibilities or


Are you a lion?

You think you’re stomach is bleeding; wait until Mariah is rushed to the ER with stroke symptoms and all kinds of internal hemorrhaging if she keeps up that over the top sodium diet. That water retention leads to puffy, girl. In her case, puffier.

No, they shared a basket of frog legs while Mittens explained for the third time, how Don is a con man, a sexual predator, and a mental midget. It’s the only reasonable possibility. Unless Romney does reveal himself to be a spineless opportunist and decided to sell his soul to President Delegator. Something else?

Here’s how this is going to go down Freshmen year:

Hooker with a heart of coal.

Drain the Swamp, Pack the Sewer. You been Tumped!!