I like how in that picture they show it going around a corner. Good one, Dodge.
I like how in that picture they show it going around a corner. Good one, Dodge.
Offseason sports reddit is often hilarious like this. This past offseason in the mlb subreddit there was a whole thread valuing players’ contracts by their last names. It started with someone figuring out Mike Trout’s contract value in trout, and went from there.
One could say the same about your comment.
Well yeah but your plates aren’t vertical. they’re always going to be leaning one way or the other. So load them so the top of the plate is the part that’s angled down.
Excellent, good to know we can basically ignore anything you have to say on the matter.
Excellent work. You just said everything I was thinking, but better than I could.
This is fun, but you made the same mistake that the rest of the US keeps making: in Philadelphia we don’t generally put bell peppers on cheesesteaks. Not that you can’t get them — most places have them — but that literally no Philadelphian does.
I am in exactly the same boat. Why are there like three tissues on the coffee table and arm of the couch? Just throw them away! they’re cheap! that’s the point! They are disposable, that keeps everyone clean and healthy.
Essentially you’re tasting it to see if it has a problem, the most common being corked (smells like wet cardboard) or oxidized (tastes like sherry or vinegar). Picking out a wine and then being like “I don’t like this” is kinda a dick move, because now they have an open bottle they can’t sell — and what, are they…
My brother in law had one of those last carbeurated ones. It was 1988? 1989? 3 speed manual, no power anything, and a set of old-ass bookshelf speakers in the back--it was fun AF, like driving a go cart.
Skirt and flatiron are different steaks. They come from different parts of the cow. But your point stands for skirt steak though.
Not sure I believe you. Name one.
Here’s a different take: lobster tastes good, it isn’t that big a deal to kill it, it’s kinda messy to eat but really also not a huge deal, and if you want to eat it stop being a big baby.
There are going to be a million people there, I suspect the free beer will be the least of the drinking going on.
You can do boiling water canning with it, but you can’t pressure-can with it, which is what most people are asking about since it’s a pressure cooker.
It’s happened twice before, and nothing really happened. Everyone was just like, sigh, and went to bed.
Ah interesting. I wonder what it was then. These were pretty brutal, and I’m good with spicy. It was like the heat of, say, serranos or arbols, but with the flavor of shisito. I mean, they were good, but I couldn’t handle eating them in the vast quantities I usually eat shisitos or padrones.
I feel like you might be overestimating Cooper’s reputation in Philadelphia. He was so reviled by the end of his time here, even people who spent $100+ on an official jersey were too embarrassed to actually wear them.
I have always been of that opinion as well, but you know how peppers can interbreed? Last summer I bought a box of shisitos from a hot pepper guy at a farmer’s market, and most of them were blazingly hot. It was really strange. I think he’d grown them near the moruga scorpions or something.