
Rest in peace hero, it takes courage, selflessness and honor as a human being to put your life on the line for strangers rather than some who just go around talking about doing it for the social recognition yet they never do. Its sad that his sacrifice almost didn’t get noticed by the media.

What a BAMF. Rest in piece, Hero.

Every conversation I’ve ever had with a lawyer about those waivers is that they’re basically worthless if you have a lawyer who’s at least minimally competent.

Depends on the language of the waivers, and there are things that a waiver cannot actually waive.

I’ve seen her get her back blown out, but not like this.

That’s gonna make her other line of work awkward.

Fucking hell, how many people did this dumbfuckery have to get past to happen?

I feel like a lot of these “shortage coming!” stories are purely artificial and are designed to justify price increases or convince people to stock up NOW! so the corporations that make the product can get your money sooner.

If don’t stove off how house warm

I like to wait 3-4 months at a time before emptying the lint trap, so that when I finally do, I can make a sweater out of the material that is as goddamned stylish as it is flammable.

This retro-casting of Mulaney as a “wife guy” confuses me because the first time I remember him mentioning his wife was when he was explaining that they finally got married because she kept complaining about it. Then he compared marrying her to buying a cow for five minutes.

And Ryan Reynold’s brand is built around him

What kind of insane person doesn’t clean their lint tray literally after every use? Should I also wipe every time I take a shit? Turn the stove off when I’m not using it? Turn the mower off when I’m reaching down there to unclog it?

I would say Rogue is a better game except the 100% reused assets makes it seem like it was intended as DLC, and the co-pilot character has the goofiest voice acting that makes Col. Volgin sound oscar worthy

I’d say the worst part of Black Flag was all the stalking missions (even one in a boat!). And the fact it takes attention away from Rogue which is the better game.

Okay, but the difference is nobody at those stores was expected to be keeping an eye on you and the place your parents actually left you at was an arcade, a place that’s explicitly designed for people to hang out at for more than the duration of a shopping trip.

its not about not knowing, its about they shouldnt be fucking babysitters no matter what time of year, or year in general. just because people used to let their kids wander around doesnt mean its magically less stupid or wrong to do so.

Yeah, no matter what they put out I’m sure it’ll be better than the 1070 I currently have. If it’s a comparable product for half the price, nvidia is in trouble.

Nah.  He made some good ones just after that.  He should have stopped at 25 like DiCaprio.