
The same way that all banks do. The monitor all accounts for unusual activity.

I wonder if they are just banking on people from the UK being less litigious...

I imagine most of them had no idea who he was.

"I will uninstall iTunes. Good riddance."

The most obvious of the many many flaws this has is that it's much less green than a smaller none plant containing lantern.

I have to ask, did you not bother to find out what sodium hydroxide was before posting this?

There are some people on Twitter I wouldn't mind reading what they have to say.

You're entierly correct of course.

Stay classy Cupertino!

Ahh I think I'm safe for now, I usually call them douchey.

There's no way they are going to let you get you hand on their source :P

Any idea how much money an author gets from the cover price of a book/ebook?

Yes, because every article has to in some way mention Apple at least once!

"Presumably it'd be faster and easier than looking at CCTV monitors."

Well I suppose it does seem douchey enough :P

Why do they even try?

"That's not a knife"

Thanks for posting that, it's nice to hear the human side to things.

So this seems to be a remedial guide to being a human being, rather tragic that this might be needed.

"As Americans we fought and earned our 'freedom' and because of that we are proud and patriotic."