
I know I'd actually watch a drug enhanced Olympics

"The power of Bacon should never be underestimated."

Meh. Maybe they now have a slight glimps of what it's like for the rest of us being jammed in a tiny box with your bloody screaming kids.

People do not rob banks with notes. It's as simple as that.

I can't be botherd at the moment to join in with the main debate here at the moment, but you hit on something that I think about a lot.

"In other words, nature doesn't need you. You can leave it alone. It'll sort itself out."

Haha, I thought you'd gone mental there for a minute. Maplebloods post immediatly above yours didn't seem worth of that kind of attack.

You've seen how cute pigglets and chicks are, most people just don't care as long as they don't see it them selves.

I'm vegetarian :P

I was being rather angry :P

It's certainly *very* much more dificult to home older animals, we never had any trouble with puppies or kittens though.

I will admit I didn't read the linked story, The fact that the animals were sick really should have been mentioned here. That makes it slightly more understandable.

I worked at at animal shelter for about 8years, no healthy animals were put down. I guess it's just diffrent in the US.

Couldn't you just go with goats milk instead? Most lactose intolerant people find it ok...even if it is a bit goaty :P

You would get almost identical results by swabbing anything else edible that hasn't been cooked or cooked sufficiently.

Right, it's just that this is not cheese at all.

I wonder if this will just be ignored completely...

...but then we would all have to have called you a little bit racist :P

I really like their helmets!

I've seen her in a couple of things, she is rather good at being sulky :)